Italian Doll Convention 2018 day III: the bazaar

Sunday was the final day of the Italian Doll Convention 2018. The main event is the bazaar, in two hotel ball rooms: one was filled with people selling all kinds of dolls, mostly Barbies but also lots of Integrity Toys, BJDs, etc. The second was dedicated to doll artists: creative people with their own designed dolls or dresses or both. Walking around the rooms was overwhelming- so many dolls! As my budget was practically non existent, I had decided that I would be just looking the commercial dolls for sale, checking prices, but also admire the creativity of the doll artists present. Meeting again all the wonderful friends was of course the icing on the cake: Ada, Simon, Ibrahim, Marl, Mario, Gianni, Sebastiano, Francesco, Aniello, Dan, David, Fito, Rogier, Patrizio, Lionel, Luca, Kazuko, Christelle, José, Antonio, Gloria, Giovanni, Makis, Effi and so many more... 


Of course the doll artist and their creations were the best attraction: first of all the incredibly talented Joshua David McKenney, creator of Pidgin Dolls. It was the first time I got to see them up close and finally meet Joshua. I have been following his work for years now and the doll’s are even more amazing in person. Joshua is amazing, intelligent, kind, very creative and with an aesthetic I love and admire. He will be featured in a special post here soon.

Joshua David McKenney and his Pidgin dolls 

Joshua David McKenney and his Pidgin dolls 


Another incredible doll artist present, one I have also been admiring from afar, is Giancarlo Scrofani, or better known as Janka Creator. He had his amazing dolls there, with the new collection, Femina Santa debuting. A short film about them will debut in the London Fashion Doll Festival next weekend.  


Third amazing guy and friend: Andrei Teican, or better known as Andymy, with his Luna doll and his gorgeous outfits, which were selling like hot cakes. 


Below you can see some more doll artists and their creations. 

The gorgeous Free Fantasy Dolls by Nickis Fabbrocile

The gorgeous Free Fantasy Dolls by Nickis Fabbrocile

Sebastian Atelier creations by Sebastien Giustetto  

Sebastian Atelier creations by Sebastien Giustetto  

The Black Swan Company creations  

The Black Swan Company creations  

Fil Mi Deco doll furniture in both 1:6 and 1:4 scale.  

Fil Mi Deco doll furniture in both 1:6 and 1:4 scale.  

They are made of plexiglass- this is in 1:6 scale

They are made of plexiglass- this is in 1:6 scale

And this is in 1:4 scale

And this is in 1:4 scale

DIVA - Dolls Italian Vogue Atelier, with their amazing Raffaella Carrà dolls! 

DIVA - Dolls Italian Vogue Atelier, with their amazing Raffaella Carrà dolls! 

Créations Cotho by Corinne Thorner

Créations Cotho by Corinne Thorner

Corinne made an awesome replica of Blake Lively’s dress from this year’s Met Gala

Corinne made an awesome replica of Blake Lively’s dress from this year’s Met Gala

During the bazaar, there were two signing sessions: first was David Buttry, who happily signed the box of my IDC Ciao Poppy. 


And when he was done, Linda Kyaw took her turn signing dolls and books. I was stupid enough to forget her book back at my hotel, so I got her to sign my convention Barbie instead. 


Near the reception area you could see display cases full of comic style Barbie dolls. 


Remember my non existent budget? Well, seeing the four different RuPaul dolls for sale at 45€ made me stop in front of Giulia Britti’s sales table and think. I always wanted to get at least one, and now was the ideal time and price. She even made me a discount and Supermodel RuPaul was mine! Giulia is one half of the Lantis Kelly atelier, who did the centerpiece dolls for this year’s gala dinner.


Lots of people had travel dolls with them at the convention. The one that stood out for me, was this amazing manga/harajuku Poppy by @euphoriadolls from Spain! 


At the end of the bazaar, there was a big raffle, with many gifts from various people to be raffled off for another good cause: Cuore21 from Rimini, helping children with special needs. And with that special gesture, it was over. It was sad to say goodbye to all the amazing friends there, but we promised we’d meet again soon in another convention. Little did we know that a few weeks later, Mario would announce, via email and social media, that the dream was over and there would be no more IDC. Here is his text:

Dear Conventioneers and Collectors Friends,
            the Italian Doll Convention was born from a truly personal dream of mine: to bring an event to Italy that could give all collectors, first Italian, then European, the taste and grandeur of those American conventions which I have been happily attending since 2002.
            About 10 years ago, when the Italian realities dedicated to collecting were essentially sales and exchange markets, I had an idea: I thought I would reunite collectors for an evening of fun and glamor under the “banner” of Barbie and Fashiondolls.
            Also ten years ago, Gianni and I began to work and collaborate with Mattel Italia, at a time when everyone was preparing to celebrate Barbie’s 50th Anniversary. Thanks to the people who worked at Mattel Italia, who were dynamic and enthusiastic, to their personal friendship and trust in us and to such a positive moment for the brand, we found the momentum to lay the concrete foundations of our ambitious project. At that point, I strongly wanted to involve a group of friends, because I had  always thought that the IDC would be an event to be held among friends and built up by friends.
To my delight, many people have joined me, embracing my project, when the national environment was neither used to such events, nor to their participation cost. It was a big leap into the dark, but without giving importance to gains, fatigue and stress, we started this adventure. And in such a dream, 100 conventioneers immediately believed; then, over the years, we have been working very hard to increase this number, first to 150 then to 200, up to this 8th edition of over 300 members.
            Creating such an event involves a lot of personal energy, so many sleepless nights to plan and imagine; hours that you strip away from your job and private life; your home becomes a warehouse and your life is overwhelmed by all this for at least 2 months a year. You work 362 days to have fun for only a very few hours, because you know you'll never sleep, you'll run like crazy, you'll be exhausted by the moving of thousands of boxes; but the people's happiness and gratitude is going to repay your investments in time, money and efforts, and comfort you from the bitterness that comes from detractors and the unavoidable disappointments along the way.
            Within all this, new things are to be planned for the following year, hoping to add the right piece, to get the favor of fashiondolls manufacturers who see their brand promoted by an event that is often reviewed – and oh so enthusiastically - in national newspapers and on TV or the radio.
            At the IDC we have given many new artists the opportunity to exhibit their creations, with a salesroom event among the largest and most varied in the world (and those traveling through conventions can understand how true this is). Many of the most amazing fashiondolls artists have taken part in the IDC: Superfrock with their Sybarites, the adorable Popovy Sisters, FashiondollAgency, Pidgin Dolls, Robert Best and Linda Kyaw for Barbie and David Buttry with his Poppy Parker. Thanks to the growing number of international friends, we have been the launch pad for Italian artists like Free Fantasy Dolls, Janka Creator, Lantis Kelly, Black Swan Company, Clara Fornari with Puparium and many others who were given the chance to meet some of the greatest collectors attending the event.
            At the IDC we have imported the Fashion Show, where we really enjoyed to forget everyday’s life and seriousness by turning into some of our most beloved dolls, without expectations but with so much passion. I want to thank all those who have spent tons of energy for this “event in the event”, which has become the most goliardic and glamorous part of the convention.
            At the IDC we had the opportunity to talk about the culture of fashiondolls, hosting some DCCI's and IDculture’s in-depth meetings and organizing workshops and seminars, because collecting should not only mean to accumulate, but also to increase knowledge and share information with others.
            At the IDC we have seen the birth of friendships, love-stories and, above all, many people having fun at approaching this world and collecting with joy, then becoming overwhelmed by passion, and so creating new collectors.
            The thing I'm most proud of is that, thanks to all the donors and buyers of the Ebay raffles and auctions, we have so far collected about 130,000 Euros for important associations and truly commendable projects that have helped sick or distressed children. There are no suitable words to underline this being one of the most important aspects of IDC, the one that most emotionally involved me, because helping others, especially those who are really in need, makes any effort bearable and  fills the heart with true joy. Therefore, thanks to Cesvi Italia, Dynamo Camp, Sos Bambini, Casa Oz, Mariam Association, Fondazione Blu, LifeGate, Karibu for believing in us and in the good and transparency of all our fundraising, always realized through their Ebay accounts and their representatives. We did it with our heart, in a clean way, without ever collecting a single penny for us and always with great results, thanks to the help of many international artists (Ninimomo, Numina dolls, Nigel Chia, Cotho Creations, Matt Sutton, etc ...) and to the donations of many private collectors.
            Thanks to all sponsors, which supported the events with gadgets and gifts, and a special Thank you to Marl Davidson.
            Thanks to Mattel USA and Italy, which have given amazing exclusive and special convention dolls over the years, as many as 3 exclusive Barbie Silkstone, and gave us the opportunity to create extra special and official dolls such as Barbie Via Montenapoleone, Barbie Sweet Delizia, Barbie Friday Pillow Party and Barbie Glam Comic Super Star.
            Thanks to Integrity Toys for believing in us and allowing us to organize the first exclusive event dedicated to Poppy Parker in Europe, an unique and unforgettable privilege. 

With this long and necessary list of thanks you may have realized that - after much, often painful, thinking and considering - we have decided not to continue with the organization of the Italian Doll Convention for the next year.

            The increasing costs of the event, from the hotel to the services involved, the expected taxation, in addition to a lack of future planning, by the manufacturers of fashiondolls, of exclusive dolls for our event, often in favor of a fairer support to smaller events, make it really very difficult, if not impossible, to guarantee the same quality we have become accustomed to and to which we have accustomed our conventioneers friends. Those who know me well, also know that I do not like  second choices, compromising, and not keeping up to mine and others’ expectations. With the close collaboration of Gianni and Marinella I have always tried to create the most beautiful and varied event for fashiondolls in the world. Although the final judgement is always left to the conventioneers, it is up to us to choose the right moment to stop a wonderful, exciting and engaging experience like the one we have experienced during these years, with the certainty to have succeeded in the original intent to prove that all this was possible and that collectors are available to join, have fun, get involved from head to toe in a big event like the Italian Doll Convention.
            I cannot say enough thank you to all my helpers; I won’t be naming each of you individually so as not to forget anyone, but you have always been amazing with your support and help to such a huge event, which may look easy to the conventioneers, but is really complex for those who organize it.
A huge thank you to Marinella Brighi, for her trust and loyalty in all circumstances, for seeing beyond what she knew of me and for giving me the opportunity to make myself known better.
Thanks to Barbara and Gabriele for always being there, before and behind the scenes, with their friendship and their commitment.
Thanks to my two “shoulders”, Sebastiano and Massimo, who have been my shadow and my support, the fun while I was working and the shoulder to cry on.
Thanks to Luisa Bianchi, who totally supported us personally and for free in the communication and advertising of the event.
Thanks to those who did not understand me, who even fought me and betrayed me, because they gave me the opportunity to rise from  the  pain, learn from my mistakes and stand up stronger than before.
And a larger, even more grateful thank you  to Gianni Grossi, for following me in this enterprise that has put us to the test in our personal life, with countless discussions about the details of every decoration, every gift, every single and meticulous touch of magic that we wanted to give to this event.
But, above all, thank you all for believing in us through all these years. We’ve had tons of fun and now we are moving towards other projects with the same enthusiasm as always.
See you around in the dolly-world….

But to end in a high note: during one of my coffee breaks on Sunday at the hotel café, with the bazaar at full force, a little girl came up to me, holding a Native American Barbie doll. She saw that I had a bag with doll boxes near me (IDC Poppy and Barbie plus RuPaul).  She was no older than seven. 

- Do you like my doll?  she asked in Italian, without any hint of shyness or hesitation. I told her that I did and that it was lovely. She proceeded to tell me about the great finds she got at the bazaar, showing them one by one by taking them out of her bag. She then asked me if I had some dolls too and I replied yes. At that time her mother,  visibly anxious, appeared and told me she was sorry about her little girl bothering me. I assured her that there was no problem and that I was enjoying the conversation with her daughter. 

- Mom, he has that special convention Poppy you wanted to see. Signore, could you show the doll to my mother please? the little girl asked me. I proceeded to do so and showed them Barbie and RuPaul as well.  

- Should we call your father to come pick us up darling? asked the lady.  The girl nodded yes and the turned to me.

- My dad cannot even properly pronounce Barbie!  

Im still laughing thinking about this and I know that a warm smile and love will always be there when I think of Italian Doll Convention 2018 and all the amazing people I got to meet and spend time with there. Grazie Mario e Gianni! 


New fashion doll from Europe: Luna Doll by Andymy Designs

Fashion dolls come in all shapes and sizes and from all over the world - but just a while ago we had the very first coming from Romania! Luna Doll is the project of Andrei Teican, better known to fashion doll collectors as Andymy Designs, his fashion doll clothing brand. Luna is a 13" doll with an articulated hard vinyl body and she comes in two editions for now, one with a casual outfit (Emely) and one in a gown (Amelie). They have hand painted faces,rooted hair and come with matching accessories and a stand. You can shop for them here. I had the pleasure of having him answer my questions about his doll, his doll clothes and himself, so here is the interview:

FDC: First give us a little background information about you, who are you, where do you live and what were you doing before fashion dolls came into the picture?

My full name is Andrei Teican, known in the doll industry by Andymy. I live in Romania, and before the fashion dolls I was an aspiring teenager looking to work in the fashion industry. I worked as a graphic designer before finding the current job as a designer at a clothing production company in Romania.

FDC: How did you discover fashion dolls?

Since I was a little kid I loved the dolls. I asked my mother to buy me one, and Santa was kind with me that year. I always had an attraction for the small things that look like humans, and this attraction is still valid. Collecting I only started 5 years ago when browsing through the internet I discovered that there are other dolls than Barbie. SURPRISE! And I managed to buy my first doll by selling some pictures that I took.

FDC: When did you decide to start making clothes for your dolls?

After I had to drop off college, due to family problems, I had a year in which I thought: well, what do I want to do for a living. My first dream to become a fashion designer was still there, but I didn't have the budget or knowledge to make patterns and sew. At one point it clicked! “I want to make fashion for dolls, or how do you call it.” And from there the road got paved little by little. Started to learn via internet pattern, started sewing, started a small blog. This passion took a break when I started to work as a graphic designer. But I knew that I needed to follow my dream. So I took my drawings, some pictures of my poor clothing, and went to a fashion factory in my city to present what I want to do, using their leftover fabrics. And everything started. I was taken in and during 2 years I learned the process of making a garment, I understood why there is a straight grain on a fabric, why you need to fuse a product, how a pattern is build, I learned how you sew a fully lined coat and all kinds of inside work that is done in a clothing factory.

FDC: When did you first start selling your doll clothes?

The first design I sold was 3 years ago, when I started working at the factory, and I did my first pieces. To be honest even now I can’t believe it that my designs are still selling. That means, I guess that I am doing something right. I know that a collector wants a good design, a good quality product, and I am doing my best to deliver. As a collector I understand and I want to deliver.

FDC: How did the clothes making evolve into doll making?

This is interesting. I guess I wanted to have a doll of my own, as a designer you want to evolve in the industry, become better, become greater. Make yourself known through your work. And Luna Doll is a project that started in a second. I had to go to China with work at a fashion fair. And when my boss told me this I said “ I want to make my own doll” and she approved. I sent some emails to unknown factories in China that could help me develop Luna Doll, but only one kept its interest and desire to work with me. So during my work travel to China, I had the opportunity to visit the factory that has produced my doll. And we signed the contract.
I was afraid, and I still am afraid, but I am keeping myself  positive with my dolls. I took a risk with the size of Luna Doll, but I wanted to be different, I wanted to make something that had not been done yet. And I do hope this is not a one time project, because I have big plans with this doll. 
What I can say is that I am happy that I made this step in the doll world. And I do not regret it.

FDC: How is living in your country affecting your passion for fashion dolls?

Romania, is a country as all the others. We all have bullies, we all have people that support you and your work, we all have people being jealous of our work. 
The most known Romanian doll collector is probably Ada from that is supporting me with all her love and good words of encouragement. We have a small doll community, and maybe there are more doll collectors out there that we are not aware of, or maybe they are hiding it. As I mentioned we all have bullies and there are people with closed mentality that are very judging. “You are a grown man and you play with doll… ha ha ha” 
I am not affected by these comments, I know that my work is appreciated and will be appreciated by open minded people, by collectors. My country is not a barrier. The infinitum is a barrier. 

FDC: Did you encounter any obstacles before selling/marketing your dolls/clothes? 

The doll community is very supportive, especially when you win their trust by presenting a good product. They will come for more. Maybe the only obstacles that I have is regarding the deliveries. I want to maintain a good price for the deliveries, but also be sure that the product arrives at its destination. So from time to time I am sending a message to those who brought from me: “have you got the package?! Is everything OK? Do you like it?” 
Knowing that the collector is satisfied by it’s purchase, that’s my goal. And when he is not I am satisfied because I know and I can improve. 

FDC: Where do you usually sell your dolls and fashion doll clothing?

I am happy to present to you
My own website (YES!) that got officially launched in January. Yet I must mention that the promotion announcements are done via newsletters ( for those subscribed), and also through Facebook, Flickr and Instagram. 

FDC: What inspires you? Where do you find inspiration for your designs?

My workplace is my inspiration, and also the internet. Usually for me the fabric speaks, and when it doesn't I use the internet for inspiration. if this is not working either, I keep the fabric in a corner and come back to it later. Usually when I get home the idea pops and the next day I have the drawing ready

FDC: How long does it usually take from conception to completion for any doll/outfit?

It depends on the time that I have. At work I am involved in almost 15 projects, including my designs. And each and every project requires my time, so the concept is done in 30 minutes. the rest when I get the time to meet with my team. I took me one year for the first “collection” , another year for the second “collection” , another year for the third “collection”. And when I say collection I mean a few pieces here and there. 
But this year I plan on releasing at least 1 design every 2 weeks, maybe less, maybe more.

FDC: Who is your fashion icon?

Is it OK to say I do not have one? Because I really don’t. I love fashion generally. My style of designing, for example can change in a second so I will never have an icon.
Maybe Fashion is my icon.

FDC: What is your favourite doll to design for? Apart from yours of course!

I really really love to design for the IT dolls. FR2, Nu.face. I collect them and I LOVE them.

FDC: What is your all-time favourite doll?

This is easy. My Holy Grail is: IT’s Eden – Style Mantra. I do not own her, but I love love love her. She’s absolute gorgeous. The make-up, the style, her hair. Maybe when I become a billionaire I can afford it. ( If that will ever happen.)

FDC: What is your most favourite fabric/material to work with and what is your least favourite fabric/material to work with?

I have no favourite I have no least favourite. I can say that I have fabrics that are giving me and my team a hard work because of the easy unravelling. But they look so good I cannot give up on them. 
To be more specific, whatever I get my hands on I’m trying to make it work.

FDC: What has been the most rewarding part of making dolls and fashions for them?

Seeing collectors taking pictures of my fashions on their dolls this is the best reward a designer can dream. And the latest reward was to have a tiny small appearance in a Romanian Fashion Magazine. That made my week.

FDC: What is the difficult part of making dolls and making doll-size clothes?

The most difficult part is to find locally tiny accessories for the dolls. You will never find them in Romania. The best solution is to get them from China, but you need to order like tons. So having supplies for the next 10 years is not an option.
The second one is having a complex pattern, and details that only a full size garment can have. Lucky for me I am more of a minimalist in fashion, so simple lines are working just fine. I might try some more complex designs, but if they do not succeed they will never be revealed.

FDC: What kind of details do you make sure to always incorporate into your clothes?

My designs will always be fully lined. Except when I have a good looking fabric that is not allowing it. This is an element that makes a good quality product.

FDC: What has been your favourite outfit/piece so far and why?

My favourite outfit is the one that I will make tomorrow. 

FDC: Are there any tips or advice for all the doll-clothing makers out there you'd like to share?

YES! Keep on dreaming, follow that dream of yours, work hard for it and at the end of the day the satisfaction will be immense. Without sweat there is nothing. I know this because I am living it.

FDC: Is there anything else you'd like to share about yourself, your dolls or your clothing?

I think that has all the information about my dolls and my clothing. This interview shows a part of me that is not visible through my website. And dear Stratos I thank you so much for it. 

All photos by Andymy Designs.