W Club registration for 2016 has opened!

W Club is an exclusive Integrity Toys club that gives amazing perks and inside information to its members regarding all doll releases of IT. The much coveted  Club registration is now open for everyone - be sure to register until 9:00 PM ET (New York Time) on February 16th, 2016. otherwise you'll have to wait another year. So what's in it for members this year? You can download the full colour online brochure that outlines all deals and offers that becoming a member of the W Club in 2016 will bring you at the following link(Adobe Acrobat Reader required):


  • As in years past, there are no limits on memberships- you can register for as many memberships as you'd like at any time prior to the 2/16/16 at 9PM ET deadline. Membership is $50.00.

  • There are the Club Exclusive Dolls as well. For 2016, every member will be able to pre-order at least 5 exclusive Club-only dolls, including 2 Fashion Royalty dolls (which may include NU. Face), 2 exclusive Poppy Parker dolls, and 1 JEM AND THE HOLOGRAMS™ doll*, plus additional surprise items.

  • A free digital subscription to DOLLS and Haute Doll Magazine is also included in the membership.

  • Each W Club membership that you purchase will give you a special $25 coupon that can be used towards any IT Direct shopping cart purchase of $99 or more online only during the 2016 W Club year. So this year there are no restrictions to W Club exclusive items. Details and instructions for this coupon will be sent to 2016 W Club Members at a later date, including that a one coupon limit will be allowed per order.

  • JEM AND THE HOLOGRAMS™ fans should notice that W Club members will get a priority 24-hour first-order window for all JEM AND THE HOLOGRAMS™ collectibles sold through IT Direct for the entire club year. 

  • And now the upgrade dolls. Once again there are three dolls that can be ordered along with the membership, either one, two or all three of them. Multiple memberships mean one can add more dolls to their upgrade. The three dolls are Fashion Royalty, Nu Face and Poppy Parker.

Item #91390 

Take Me On 

Vanessa Perrin™ Dressed Doll

The Fashion Royalty® Collection

2016 W Club Upgrade Doll

Approximate Ship Date: Summer 2016

Edition Size: TBA (Determined by the total amount of orders received)

Take Me On   Vanessa Perrin

Doll Tech Specs:

Body Type: FR2013

Head Sculpt: Vanessa Perrin 3.0

Quick Switch Feature: No

Skin Tone: Japan

Color: Deep Brunette

Eyelashes: Yes, Hand-Applied

Take Me On   Vanessa Perrin

Vanessa Perrin is a 12.5-inch articulated vinyl doll featuring a rooted chignon and hand-applied eyelashes. She is wearing a two piece set composed of an  ruffled top and a high-waist skirt. Vanessa's look includes a jewellery set, shoes and embroidered clutch purse. Doll stand and certificate of authenticity included. For adult collectors ages 15 and up.

Take Me On   Vanessa Perrin accessories

You can upgrade your membership immediately to include this doll. An additional $25 non-refundable deposit is due immediately at registration time and a balance of $105, (for a total of $130.00) + shipping, handling and taxes (if applicable) per each Vanessa doll you add to your membership will be due closer to the actual ship date of the doll, which will happen approximately during Summer 2016 once the dolls have been produced.

Wow, she's amazing. I love both the doll and the outfit. This is the proper way to make club upgrade dolls, which, up until now, were mostly basic versions. This one has it all. Smokey eyes with light coloured lips, a great hairstyle, a gorgeous outfit (love that rose ruffle, it is so reminiscent of the glory days of Ungaro) and full on accessories, including a plane ticket, passport and what looks like a credit card. Can she pay herself with that one please?

Take Me On   Vanessa Perrin

Item #PP097

Ma Petite Fleur 

Poppy Parker™ Dressed Doll

2016 W Club Upgrade Doll

Approximate Ship Date: Summer 2016

Edition Size: TBA (Determined by the total amount of orders received)

Ma Petite Fleur   Poppy Parker

Doll Tech Specs:

Body Type: Poppy Parker™

Head Sculpt: Poppy Parker™

Quick Switch Feature: No 

Skin Tone: FR White

Hair Color: Light Blond Mix

Eyelashes: Yes, Hand-Applied

Poppy Parker™ is an 11.5-inch fully articulated fashion doll with hand-applied eyelashes and blond rooted hair. She comes in a fitted, pale pink micro checkered dress with a white ruched chiffon detail at the bust. Poppy comes complete with black faux patent leather kitten heel shoes, a bracelet, earrings and her miniature vinyl record. A doll stand is included. For adult collectors ages 15 and over.

Ma Petite Fleur   Poppy Parker
Ma Petite Fleur  Poppy Parker accessories

You can upgrade your membership immediately to include this doll. An additional $25 non-refundable deposit is due immediately at registration time and a balance of $95, (for a total of $120.00) + shipping, handling and taxes (if applicable) per each Poppy Parker doll you add to your membership will be due closer to the actual ship date of the doll, which will happen approximately during Summer 2016 once the dolls have been produced.

Ma Petite Fleur   Poppy Parker

She looks very kittenish and 60s starlet style but I think I will pass this one, too much pink for my taste. If I want Barbie, I will get Barbie. And the accessories are pretty basic, miniature vinyl record notwithstanding. What a contrast to Vanessa.

Item #82069 

Be Daring

Imogen Dressed Doll

The Nu. Face™ Collection

2016 W Club Upgrade Doll

Approximate Ship Date: Summer 2016

Edition Size: TBA (Determined by the total amount of orders received)

Be Daring  Imogen Lennox doll

Doll Tech Specs:

Body Type: Nu. Face 2.0

Head Sculpt: Imogen

Quick Switch Feature: No

Skin Tone: Hungarian

Hair Color: Blond Mix

Eyelashes: Yes, Hand-applied

Be Daring  Imogen Lennox doll

Imogen is a fully articulated 12.5-inch vinyl doll with rooted hair and hand-applied eyelashes. She wears a sleek two-piece pant suit with a cache coeur detail. There are little "skull" accent pieces on her wide faux-leather belt, cuff bracelet and matching custom made earrings. She also has a go-see presentation book and sunglasses. A doll stand and a certificate of authenticity are also included. For adult collectors ages 15 and up.

Be Daring  Imogen Lennox doll accessories

You can upgrade your membership immediately to include this doll. An additional $25 non-refundable deposit is due immediately at registration time and a balance of $95, (for a total of $120.00) + shipping, handling and taxes (if applicable) per each Imogen doll you add to your membership will be due closer to the actual ship date of the doll, which will happen approximately during Summer 2016 once the dolls have been produced.

Be Daring  Imogen Lennox doll

What a great looking Imogen! Although the simple hairstyle could have been better, the rest is amazing, especially the skull detailed accessories, which of course will forever remind us of Alexander McQueen. The jacket is a Balmain resort 2016 inspiration (see photo below), which fits with the NuFace line previous styles. I will be getting her along with Vanessa for my upgrade.

Balmain resort 2016 two models

Balmain Resort 2016, photo courtesy of Balmain 

So what do you think about the new upgrade dolls? Will you be registering? Let me know in the comments.

Note: Prototype dolls shown, final production may vary slightly. All photos and information contained herein is copyrighted Integrity Toys, Inc. and Intercap Merchant Partners, LLC 2016 and may not be reprinted or disseminated without express written permission.

HASBRO and its logo, JEM AND THE HOLOGRAMS, < 3 

MLP, My Little Pony and all related characters are trademarks of Hasbro and are used with permission. ©2016 HASBRO. All rights reserved.

AMERICAN HORROR STORY is used under license with permission, © 2016 Fox.

Poppy Parker, Fashion Royalty, NU. Face and all other trademarks followed by ™ or ® are registered trademarks of Integrity Toys, Inc. Chesapeake City MD USA 21915. All rights reserved.

w club header

A small tribute to David Bowie, 1947 - 2016

David Bowie was (is) one of the most influential and avant guard artists that ever walked this earth. As part of the tributes pouring out from all over the world in the wake of his death, I decided to re-make, with the help of a Fine Print Elise Jolie, two of his most iconic album covers: Aladdin Sane and Low. If you do not know who David Bowie is, please try and discover him, it will open a multitude of new worlds for you.

Alladin Sane cover tribute

Low cover tribute

The original Aladdin Sane album cover - Design Brian Duffy - Photography Brian Duffy/Celia Philo/Philip Castle - Design/Artwork Released April 1973

The original Low cover, Design Steve Schapiro - Photography Released January 1977

First photos of the new articulated Silkstone Barbies are out!

The new year has begun and with it new fashion dolls are starting to appear. Some of the most anticipated dolls this year will be the articulated Silkstone dolls that were announced late last year. The first images have already appeared from three different sources: an interview in Wall Street Journal of Mary Jordan, stylist for Mattel (to read the interview google the article and read it from there as it is locked if you try to access it directly from the link), the instagram stream of another Barbie stylist and designer, Zlatan Zukanovic. and the official Barbie Collector site with a Robert Best interview. The dolls look really good and if the quality of the vinyl is the same as their non-articulated sisters, the bodies will be a hit for re-boding some of my Mattel dolls, depending on the final price of course.

The image above is from the Barbie Collector interview of Robert Best.

In this photo we can see four different versions of the new Silkstone.

The dolls seem to have two different bust sizes - or is it just an illusion?

Tools of a doll stylist - and the new articulated Silkstone as a red head.

Zukanovic posted this doll in his Instagram feed.

A close up.

And another shot - if I get more than one, I might keep one complete.

Photos courtesy of Wall Street Journal/Emily Berl (first three from top) and Zlatan Zukanovic (last three).