Fashion dolls and my favourite music

Every year since 2007 I am part of a countdown that takes place in December: Greek music lover bloggers post their favourite 20 albums for the year in their blogs, beginning at December 1st and going up to December 20th with their number one. In the end, there's a tally and the best albums of the year are announced. Each participant usually makes a special presentation for the albums, using photos, videos or whatever they think best represents their relationship to the music they love. This year I decided to unite my love for fashion dolls with my love for music and use my doll collection in my presentation. At first I thought I'd do photos with the dolls holding the albums. Then I saw there were some albums that their covers could be reproduced using the dolls. So I decided that each album would be a different animal to confront, depending on its cover and the music inspiration, as well as the artist's image. So here are the photos I made as a slideshow. If you want to see them in all their glory, you can visit my music blog here. Enjoy!


Horst P. Horst tribute

I was lucky enough to visit London three times this year (twice working) after my first ever27 years ago. Among the things I was lucky to see in my last trip this September was an incredible exhibition in the V&A museum for the famous fashion (and not only) photographer Horst P. Horst. You can read about it here. I also made this image and uploaded in on my Instagram account in tribute and may do some more as well.

Evening In Montreal Victoire Roux