Phyn And Aero shutting down at the end of March 2019

Robert Tonner communicated a letter that describes his decision to shut down his latest company, Phyn And Aero at the end of this month, citing production problems like rising costs and increasingly long lead times. Here it is in its entirety.

My Dear Friends,

As I stated back in January, the only thing you can count on is change, and I'm afraid I must change course yet again. As much as I've always loved manufacturing, on-going production issues have continued to wear me down, and as a result, Phyn & Aero will cease operating as of March 31st. Please know, when I refer to production issues, I'm referring to continuing rising costs and ever-growing lead times. I've always been proud of the fine work done by the factories—they care about the product every bit as much as I have—and the wonderful people we work with are as disappointed as I. Please know that this was not an easy decision for me or for us, nor a decision made lightly.

This decision, however, does create an opportunity for you to secure the last of any Phyn & Aero product. This includes Lila, Annora, Kadira and Nancy Ann—some of which have just arrived. Look for discounts on the product, but please note there will be no returns nor refunds. Also, should you order a Kadira item look for a little "freebee" in your box!

Please note, the Phyn & Aero website will be accessible through April but mainly to print off any images or descriptions you may want to retain.

As strange as this may seem under the circumstances, I am introducing a new doll—Rayne. I've attached our sell sheet from Toy Fair to explain what she is all about. The Shapeways store will be open, with at least a couple of pieces to order, by the end of the month (please refer to the sell sheet—this will make more sense). The dolls will be available thru a select group of retailers that are listed on our website, (be sure and click the link at the bottom of our site).

My new portfolio web-site, showcasing my current and past doll/figure designs and sculpting, will be up in a few days. Please check it out. (

Some great news—just because I'm closing P&A that doesn't mean that Kadira will be going away. Andrew Yang will be continuing to promote and develop Kadira and would be thrilled to hear from you. He can be reached at

So, you may ask, what the heck am I going to do now that I'll be out of the doll business? Well, I may be out of manufacturing, but I'm certainly not leaving the doll world. I'm working with various companies on freelance projects—and I've even signed a deal to do human (not doll) handbags and jewelry. So, I'll be around. Be sure to check out my new web-site and friend me on Instagram.

I can't tell you all what a wonderful ride this has been. The events, the parties, Toy Fair, the Magazines, and mostly you—the collectors—have made this entire doll world experience more than I could have imagined it to be. I sincerely thank you all from the bottom of my heart for the fun, friendship and the mutual love of this hobby—doll collecting.



The doll he mentions in the letter, Rayne, is not available anywhere for the moment, as his new website is not yet up and running. Nor is any photograph of her included in the document linked in the email, just her description and possibilities. Here is that document complete:

Just who is Rayne?

Rayne is your creative muse, your personal fashion model, your fashion canvas. She’s the realistic 16” fashion figure of your dreams.

She’s a beautiful doll but what makes her so special?

Sculpted by renowned and award-winning doll designer Robert Tonner, Rayne is a 16” realistic fashion figure with 15 points of articulation. She’s made of the finest hard plastic and vinyl with rooted saran hair (or unrooted for wigs).

So, she’s a normal fashion doll.

Not so fast. It’s not what we, the manufacturers have created but what you will do with Rayne that will really set her apart.

I’ll explain: Rayne arrives in a basic set of sport underwear and shoes just like a normal basic doll. However, that’s where the similarities with other commercial fashion dolls ends. How you dress and style her is up to you.

Again, like any other fashion doll so what makes her so different?

Simply, 3D printing technology.

You’ll be able to go to the Shapeways website at and shop in the R. Tonner Design store where you’ll find many accessories such as shoes, breastplates, cuffs, hats, sculpted wigs, jewelry, historical foundations and much more—all designed and sculpted just for Rayne. New styles will be added all the time. Pick the accessory you’d like for Rayne and order it in the material that suits Rayne’s style. How about a pair of purple pumps? Or a transparent, form fitting breastplate? Jewelry in real gold? Sure, why not? You can even order a plastic accessory that you can paint, decorate or even bedazzle! It’s easy and fun to do. You just go on the Shapeways site, pick the style you like, pick a material and color and order. It’s just that easy and your accessory is made exclusively for you and shipped directly to your home.

How about clothing?

I’m glad you asked! Patterns for easy to make outfits for Rayne will be available in March/April on the R. Tonner Design ( site to download.

Become a part of 3D printing technology revolution and enjoy an enhanced doll collecting experience--welcome to the creative world of Rayne!


I had no interest in any of the Phyn And Aero products, but the Tonner Outlander and Wonder Woman dolls are some of the best he released and would have loved to see more of them. Unfortunately it does not seem to be possible anymore.

Hand me the Envelope please - the latest Sybarite is sold out!

This Valentine’s Superdoll London doll is the beautiful Envelope, a brilliant take on a geisha, in her white kimono, towering hair and intricate details. She’s already sold out I’m afraid, but you can enjoy her in the photos from Superdoll below, as well as the site description.​



Anyone here for the opening of Envelope?

VENUS strolled through a sea of paper cranes singing to herself: "its a nice day for a white wedding....".
Her gorgeous oriental styled hair is just a hairs breadth short of a statuesque ikebana. Platinum, but in hair terms its almost white, white. Above the shoulders blunt bob, pulled up into a top bun and side bunches; with long paper like sideburns and a blunt slightly curved fringe..
Her gold and teal eyes are rimmed in salmon, rose and soot and her lips of pomelo glossed and glossed again.
Other than her utter delight at the origami cranes, she is delighted by her dragon and peonies brocade 2 part kimono. A whole lot contemporary and a whole lot traditional... just a vision of genius from her favourite designers.
Tucked into her obi, are velvelette laser cut starfish held in place by her gold and purple obi. Her choice of jewellery is a 'silver' bug adorning her obi and finished with a white corded obijime. Ceremoniously she wears a red silk tasselled waist sash.
upon her feet she wears Sock style 2 tooth Geta.
She looked up and smiled at the jucstaposing cranes which reminded her or her organza backpack which indeed is her kimono overcoat.
Venus smiled over her Japanese paper umbrella as the world went by and though....
Happy Birthday to ME!


Clone: 1000 Venus d'Royce
Of course she comes with the following standard accessories:
-manic_cure hands (see booklet for hand change instructions)
Production shown .


Price: £289.95 (Excluding VAT at 20%)


Glamazon Extravaganza, the new RuPaul doll!

To celebrate Jason Wu's guest appearance on RuPaul's Drag Race on February 8th, 2019, Ru and Jason have teamed up with Integrity Toys to make the new doll available right as the next episode of Drag Race airs across USA. W Club got an early head start on ordering, before the doll was made available to the general public. This doll is more limited than the first one in the series. Click here to pr eorder.


Item # 14097

Glamazon Extravaganza

The RUPAUL Doll™

Approx. Ship Date: Early March 2019

Price: $145.00 + Shipping

Edition Size: 750


Head Sculpt: RuPaul

Body Type: New Special Body Type

Foot Type: High-heeled (Compatible with FR Shoes)

Skin Tone: Light Honey

Hair Color: Wheat Blond

Eyelashes: Yes, Hand-applied

Quickswitch: No



  • 12.5-inch/1:6 scale, fully articulated, vinyl collectible doll, rooted hair and delicately hand-applied eyelashes;
  • Elaborate golden micro-sequined stage gown designed by Jason Wu;
  • Golden open-toe pumps;
  • Large hoop earrings;
  • Two cuff bracelets;
  • Miniature RuPaul "chocolate" bar accessory;
  • Miniature Mally Beauty "makeup" accessory set;
  • Miniature GURU "book" accessory
  • Pair of hands with long manicured nails;
  • Alternate pair of grip hands;
  • Doll stand;
  • Certificate of authenticity.

Offer Type: First-come, first-served pre-order.

Pre-order Start (general public): Friday, February 8th, 2019 at approximately 8 PM Eastern time (WHILE SUPPLIES LAST).

Price: $145.00 USD + shipping and handling.

Shipping Timing: This doll is expected to arrive the first week of March 2019. Full amount is due at pre-order time to reserve your doll and the doll will be shipped to you as soon as she arrives, approximately the first week of March 2019 (pending no customs delays).

Availability: Everyone (W Club members and non-members alike).

Order Limit: One per member for for the "head's up" period and no limit after that.


Quite a surprise there, unveiling the second new RuPaul doll just a day after the start of the 2019 registration period. Judging from the reduced edition size (750 instead of the previous doll’s 1000), they were probably not happy with the time it took to sell out the first doll. The new one is a golden rehash of the first, with make up accessories we have seen in Industry dolls, the bouffant high hairstyle we expect to see from RuPaul. The extras are a bar of chocolate and a book, which would not make me buy a doll, since I own the previous one.


All photos and information contained herein is copyrighted Integrity Toys, Inc. and Intercap Merchant Partners, LLC 2019 and may not be reprinted or disseminated without express written permission. The RuPaul likeness and logo are designated trademarks of RuCo, Inc. ©2019 All rights reserved. Used with permission. The W Club is a trademark of Intercap Merchant Partners, LLC. All rights reserved.

Doll Photography by Jayme Thornton. Layouts and graphics by Alain Tremblay, Marketing

As always, the doll pictured is a prototype. Final colors and textures may vary slightly in final production. For adult collectors ages 15 and up.

The W Club registration period is now open for everyone!

Just like last year, the 6th of February is the day that the W Club registration period opens for everyone. If you want to be a member of this exclusive Integrity Toys club, you have to register until the 3rd of March. Below, you can find more information about the W Club, the upgrade dolls and more. Or you can read about it all in the registration brochure here. Or go ahead and register here.


The W Club is the Official Collectors’ Club for all Integrity Toys collectible dolls, including their lines of Fashion Royalty®, NU. Face™, Poppy Parker™, East 59th™, The Monarchs Homme™ and other. The new club year will be packed with exclusive perks, new dolls, special offers, priority service and more. Should you have any questions at any time, please contact the Club Liaisons at

The W Club is an online based club and requires online registration plus a valid email address to receive information and special offers. it is run separately but in conjunction with Integrity Toys and acts as the collectors’ voice at the table for the company.

Joining the W Club means that you’ll be getting:

  • First-to-know information & sneak peeks at upcoming dolls & more

  • Exclusive access to members-only forums

  • VIP customer service from the W Club Liaisons

  • Guaranteed opportunity to purchase at least *5* exclusive Club-only dolls, including: 2 Fashion Royalty dolls (which may include NU. Face), 2 Poppy Parker dolls and 1 additional exclusive doll, plus additional surprise items such as The Monarchs Homme

  • $25 coupon to be used towards any $99 or more purchase in the IT Direct Shopping Cart*

  • Club-only opportunities to purchase dolls & more

  • Exclusive members-only online events

  • Priority convention registration and optional access to a Club-only event at Convention

  • Special offers, right-to-buy lotteries and contests

  • Access to private Q&A sessions with the Integrity staff and much more

*Details and instructions for this coupon will be sent to 2019 W Club Members at a later date, including that a one coupon limit will be allowed per order. Important exclusion: Coupons cannot be used to purchase additional W Club memberships. Any memberships bought with coupons will be voided, as the 2019 Club year does not officially begin until after registration ends.

How does registration work?

  • The base membership for 2019 is still $50.

  • All W Club members in good standing receive perks and privileges throughout the Club year, including first-to-know information, access to exclusive W Club merchandise (including the guaranteed opportunity to purchase W Club exclusive dolls), lottery chances for other exclusive dolls, contests, special offers, VIP customer service, the special offers listed on the preceding pages and more.

  • You may upgrade your membership by choosing 1, 2 or all 3 upgrade dolls.* Upgrading your membership only gives you additional dolls, it does not affect any other perks. All members in good standing receive full access to perks.

  • Upgrade dolls are produced based on the specific quantity ordered during registration, the dolls will arrive in approximately Summer 2019 and the balance of the payment will be due then.

  • You can buy as many memberships as you want and for every membership, you can upgrade each with a Fashion Royalty Vanessa Perrin, NU. Face Lukas Maverick and/or Poppy Parker doll (up to 3 total, one of each item, for every one membership that you buy).

*Note: the Upgrade dolls ARE NOT the W Club exclusives for the year. You will still get 5 more exclusive dolls that you can pre-order later in the year.

Membership and upgrade options for W Club 2019 are:

BASE MEMBERSHIP: $50; Includes the opportunity to purchase at least five exclusive dolls throughout the year- including two exclusive Fashion Royalty dolls (which may include NU. Face), two exclusive Poppy Parker dolls, and one additional exclusive surprise doll- a $25 coupon and a variety of perks, privileges, special opportunities and offers throughout the year, from lines such as The Monarchs Homme collection.

OPTIONAL UPGRADES (these are in addition to the 5 W Club exclusive dolls that come with your base membership):

  • Adding the Upgrade “French Kiss” Vanessa Perrin Fashion Royalty doll to your base membership will have an additional $25 deposit due now and $110 (total of $135 US) plus shipping, handling and tax will be billed approximately in Summer 2019, when the doll is scheduled to ship.

  • Adding the Upgrade “Level of Suspense” Lukas Maverick figure from the NU. Face Collection (as voted on by 2018 members!) to your base membership will have an additional $25 deposit due now and $110 (total of $135 US) plus shipping, handling and tax will be billed approximately in Summer 2019, when the doll is scheduled to ship.

  • Adding the Upgrade “Bossa Nova Beauty” Poppy Parker doll to your base membership will have an additional $25 deposit due now and $110 (total of $135 US) plus shipping, handling and tax will be billed approximately in Summer 2019, when the doll is scheduled to ship.

French Kiss Vanessa Perrin® 2019 Upgrade Doll

Item #91461

French Kiss

Vanessa Perrin® Dressed Doll

The Fashion Royalty® Collection

2019 W Club Upgrade


Body Type: FR 6.0

Head Sculpt: Vanessa 1.0

Quick Switch Feature: No

Skin Tone: Sunkissed

Hair Color: Sandy Blonde

Eyelashes: Yes, Hand-applied

Foot Sculpt: High-Heeled


Vanessa Perrin is a 12.5-inch articulated vinyl doll with flowing, fully rooted hair and hand-applied eyelashes. She comes with a multilayered outfit that includes a plaid overdress with a separate slip dress underneath, high-heel ankle boots, socks, hoop earrings, a “box” purse, a golden ring and an abstract cuff bracelet! Doll stand and certificate of authenticity included. For adult collectors ages 15 and up. This doll will have a non-refundable deposit due immediately, with a balance due at shipping time, approximately in Summer 2019.


A 1.0 Vanessa doll is always good news - and in a tan skin-tone, now named “sun-kissed”, even better. Why do we get all that tan variables is beyond me - it definitely has to do with the haphazard way they make the skin tones in the Chinese doll factory IT uses, without a proper recipe with colour percentages, just mixing colours trying to match the shade. Not very good for replacement bodies in the future - just try to find a tan homme body and tell me about it. The screening screams Going Public Eugenia - in fact, when I first saw the first photo of the email, I thought she was Eugenia, not Vanessa. Beautiful accessories but I am not that crazy about the fashion. Jesse Ayala designed this one.

Level of Suspense Lukas Maverick™ 2019 Upgrade Doll

Item #82114

Level of Suspense

Lukas Maverick™ Dressed Fashion Figure

The NU. Face™ Collection

2019 W Club Upgrade


Body Type: Homme 1.5

Head Sculpt: Lukas

Quick Switch Feature: No

Skin Tone: FR White

Hair Color: Caramel Blonde

Eyelashes: No


Lukas Maverick is a 12.5-inch articulated vinyl male figure featuring fully rooted hair. He is wearing a custom designed detailed faux-leather jacket, over a classic white shirt and convertible pants (each section can be detached to create additional looks). Faux-suede sneakers, eyeglasses, bag, double wallet chain with snake pendant detail, one earring, figure stand and certificate of authenticity are also included. For adult collectors ages 15 and up. This doll will have a non-refundable deposit due immediately, with a balance due at shipping time, approximately in Summer 2019.


First of all, dear Integrity Toys, please stop calling male dolls “figures”. They are DOLLS. Even the G.I. Joe figures are actual dolls that are named figures to placate parents buying them for their little boys. This is so backwards thinking, especially in this day and age. So please stop it. It does not fit with what Integrity Toys represents as a doll company.

Lukas is his usual gorgeous self but looks uncomfortably a lot like his first apperance, Raw Appeal, from the 2009 convention, minus the eyeliner. The outfit is not that impressive either. Compare it with Bellamy Blue from last year’s Industry collection and you can see why. Those convertible pants have got to stop - the Violaine ones were more than enough. So last year. Jesse, I was expecting so much more from this one.

Bossa Nova Beauty Poppy Parker™ 2019 Upgrade Doll

Item #PP150

Bossa Nova Beauty

Poppy Parker™ Dressed Doll

The Girl from I.N.T.E.G.R.I.T.Y.: Mission Brazil Collection

2019 W Club Upgrade

Bossa Nova Beauty Poppy Parker 2019 upgrade club.png

Body Type: Poppy Parker 1.5

Head Sculpt: Poppy Parker

Quick Switch Feature: No

Skin Tone: Hungarian

Hair Color: Raven

Eyelashes: Yes, Hand-applied

Foot Sculpt: Articulated ankle

Bossa Nova Beauty Poppy Parker upgrade 2019 club 2.png

Poppy Parker is a 12-inch fully articulated fashion doll with fully rooted hair and hand-applied eyelashes. She comes dressed in an elaborately embroidered gown and includes jewelry, golden kitten heels, a purse and a newly designed standup microphone. A special themed package was created just for this collection. Doll stand and certificate of authenticity included. For adult collectors ages 15 and up. This doll will have a non-refundable deposit due immediately, with a balance due at shipping time, approximately in Summer 2019.

Bossa Nova Poppy Parker 2019 club upgrade 3.png

David Buttry designed this one within the concept of this year’s Poppy spy theme, which story is taking place in Brazil. I love the print but not much more from this one. If you described her to me without any photos, I would have said “what a lovely doll”, but the execution seems slightly off to me.

Remember that all dolls shown are prototypes only, the final production may vary slightly.

And now the technical details of the membership:

  • How do I become part of the W Club?

From now until March 3rd, 2019, you can qualify for the 2019 W Club by submitting a registration form and completing your payment. You can start your registration here:

No registrations will be accepted after March 3rd, 2019 at Noon Eastern Time (New York time). No exceptions.

  • For how long is my 2019 Club membership valid?

Memberships are valid until the latter of January 1, 2020 or when the 2020 Club membership registration period begins.

  • As a member, will I be guaranteed every exclusive item from the Club?

Every member in good standing will be guaranteed the right to purchase at least 5 exclusive dolls, which will be offered at various times throughout the Club year, including the 2 Fashion Royalty exclusive dolls (which may include NU. Face), 2 exclusive Poppy Parker dolls, and 1 additional exclusive doll during 2019. Members that added upgrade dolls during registration are guaranteed those upgrade doll(s), as well. There will be other limited items which will be available by lottery or first-come, first served opportunities. Please note that membership in the W Club does not guarantee access to Integrity Toys’ non-Club exclusive dolls and accessories. None of the dolls available through the Integrity Toys’ authorised dealers can be purchased through the W Club and are not W Club exclusive items.

  • How many 2019 Club memberships can I purchase?

IT is not restricting the number of memberships by collector or household. However, memberships are non-transferable and cannot be shared.

  • I live outside of the US. May I still become a member?

Absolutely! Membership is available to residents of all countries worldwide. Please note that all news releases and information will be released in English only.

  • I would like the Club information sent to me via regular mail; can IT do that?

This is an online only Club and all members must have access to a valid email address.

  • What forms of payment does IT accept?

All payments are processed through Integrity Toys’ online shopping cart system. They accept Credit Cards (Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover). They also accept PayPal. If you don’t have a PayPal account or a credit card, they suggest that you get a prepaid credit card, as it makes it easier for you to take advantage of their many offers.

  • Can you tell me more about the purchasing of exclusive W Club dolls?

2019 W Club members are guaranteed the right to purchase the exclusive W Club doll(s) from 2019 only (these dolls are separate from and in addition to the upgrade dolls that you can purchase at registration). The number of W Club exclusive doll(s) produced is based on the number of pre-orders paid. If you do not pre-order the Club doll(s) by the designated cut-off date (there is usually about a week-long ordering window), you forfeit your right to purchase that Club doll through the W Club. Also, Club doll(s) from previous years are NOT available to 2019 members- Club dolls are only available during that specific membership year.

  • Can you explain more about the Club coupon?

Each W Club membership that you purchase will automatically add a special $25 coupon to your IT Direct Coupon Wallet that can be used towards ANY IT Direct shopping cart purchase of $99 or more online only during the 2019 W Club year! As long as your order is above $99 before shipping and tax, you can apply your coupon towards any order of your choice! Full details and instructions for the $25 coupon will be sent to 2019 W Club Members at a later date, including that a one coupon limit will be allowed per order. Important exclusion: Coupons cannot be used to purchase additional memberships. Any memberships bought with coupons will be voided, as the 2019 Club year does not officially begin until after registration ends.

  • When will I be able to log into the W Club forum?

Once your membership has been processed, you will be emailed the “Welcome to the 2019 W Club” notice. This notice includes information on how to register and be approved for the members-only forum, contact emails, email information and more. Due to the number of registrations that we expect to be receiving at this time, it can take up to a week or more for the welcome notice to be sent out and we appreciate your patience until you are sent the notice.

For answers to any additional questions, please contact the W Club Liaisons at

For W Club Rules and Protocol, go to

to view the rules document.

So, are you joining this year? I know I will! Remember, the deadline is March 3rd, 2019!

All photos and information contained herein is copyrighted Integrity Toys, Inc. and Intercap Merchant Partners, LLC 2019 and may not be reprinted or disseminated without express written permission. FASHION ROYALTY, POPPY PARKER, NU. FACE, EAST 59TH, THE INDUSTRY and all other character marks followed by ™ or ® are trademarks of Integrity Toys, Inc. Chesapeake City MD USA 21915. All rights reserved. The W Club is a trademark of Intercap Merchant Partners, LLC. All rights reserved.

Doll Photography by Tony Pettinato. Layouts and graphics by Alain Tremblay, Marketing.

The fifth and final W Club doll revealed for 2018

The late start of the 2018 W Club year meant that we got the W Club doll releases crammed into the six last months of it. Hopefully the next year will be a bit more streamlined. This meant that members of the club got the notification for their last W Club offering in late January. The fifth and final Club doll is Eugenia, missing from the main collection so far, which should be welcome news to everyone. Jessy Ayala designed this doll, with only accessories and small details connecting her to Sacred Lotus and the Luxe Life Convention Collection. 


Item #91439

Secret Garden

Eugenia Perrin-Frost™ Mini-Gift Set

The Fashion Royalty® Collection

2018 W Club Exclusive

Approx. Shipping: Early Summer 2019

W Club Retail Price: $175.00 + S & H

Edition Size: TBD


Head Sculpt: Eugenia

Body Type: FR 6.0

Foot Sculpt: High-heeled

Skin Tone: Japan

Hair Color: Light Champagne Blond

Eyelashes: Yes, Hand-applied

Quickswitch: No



  • 12.5" fully articulated doll with fully rooted hair and hand-applied eyelashes;
  • Two pairs of hands (one with long nails and one with the regular manicure);
  • Frothy, ruffled black tulle gown with a crinkle texture bodice, cinched at the waist by a narrow black ribbon belt;
  • Tan trench coat dress with drape and belt detail on sides;
  • Chocolate brown flocked hat with black grosgrain ribbon trim;
  • Black tulle neck scarf;
  • "Silver" cuff bracelet, chandelier earrings and statement ring with "diamond" and "pearl" accents;
  • "Silver" necklace with nature-inspired "diamond" and "pearl" stone charms;
  • Alternate pair of asymmetrical small charm earrings;
  • "Metal" clutch with sculpted leaf detail and skull clasp;
  • Pale nude "pearlized" faux-leather purse with quilted detail and "silver"/"diamond" flower charm;
  • Black and tan faux "patent leather" boots with "silver" zipper closure;
  • Black holographic glitter high heels with clear bead detail;
  • Doll stand;
  • Certificate of authenticity.

Offer Type: W Club Exclusive pre-order.

Participation Deadline: January 30th, 2019, Noon Eastern time.
Special Pricing: $175.00 USD + S & H per doll.($25.00 NRD deposit per doll due now, balance of $150.00 + S & H per doll due approximately early summer 2019).
Final Edition Size: To be determined, will be based on all pre-orders received.
Shipping Timing: Approximately early summer 2019.
Availability: 2018 W Club members only.
Order Limit: Up to 1 doll per membership.


A very beautiful doll to end the year. She’s not groundbreaking or different from older releases, but she’s a lovely doll with gorgeous clothes and lots of accessories, justifying the price tag. Even though generally I preferred the earthy and dark tones of Sacred Lotus dolls versus the eighties pink/blue ones of Luxe Life, in this case I would have gone for the latter.


Another peeve: black gown. We’ve had big black gowns in the past (even though I own none of them). The fashion runways are filled with bright or pastel coloured big frilly gowns - check out the recent couture shows for Spring 2019. Why black? Just think how much better this would look in blue, fuchsia, yellow or green. Or even a lightweight print muslin. And enough with the tan trench coat! Give us one in an unexpected colour, like white, lilac, pink or lemon! Or olive green!


It’s the kind of choices and details that distinguish a properly trained and educated experienced designer from a talented but still-findin-my-way-one. Merely copying runway looks does not help in forwarding your work by itself. Studying and researching needs to be constant and thorough. Even if, accidentally, you score the summer garden thread of the Couture collections now held in Paris. And yes, I did preorder the doll. She’s a keeper. But she could have been a holy grail.


The doll pictured is a prototype. Final fabrics, colors and textures may vary slightly. For adult collectors ages 15 and up only. All photos and information contained herein is copyrighted Integrity Toys, Inc. and Intercap Merchant Partners, LLC 2019 and may not be reprinted or disseminated without express written permission.

FASHION ROYALTY, POPPY PARKER, NU. FACE, EAST 59TH, THE INDUSTRY and all other character marks followed by ™ or ® are trademarks of Integrity Toys, Inc. Chesapeake City MD USA 21915. All rights reserved.

The W Club is a trademark of Intercap Merchant Partners, LLC. All rights reserved.

Doll Photography by Tony Pettinato. Layouts and graphics by Alain Tremblay, Marketing